Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Deborah Evind Leadership Program and Portland Community College

I am honored and so proud to have been a part of this photographic and video project.Video here

I was asked to participate in photographing each alumna for the inagural Gala fundraiser for the Deborah Evind Scholarship Program.

In the video, whenever you see the flash pop, that's me taking photos of the ladies holding signs with messages about how being involved with the Women's Resource Center changed their lives.   :)

I'm even one of the interviewees (b&w dotty shirt).

Most important, though, is the work that Deborah Evind did when she created the WRC at PCC, and the programs she began while running the center. Through her vision and her hard work, she has changed the lives of thousands of women and their families by helping women to stay and succeed in school.

On a personal note, having sat and talked with Deborah about my hopes and dreams for the future, and getting real about what it would take to get there, I began to realize that I was fully capable of handling college and that I deserved to be there. My involvement with the WRC gave me the incredible opportunity to participate in the 2009 production of The Vagina Monologues, and to be the photographer for several seasons after that.

I met many talented, intelligent, beautiful women and made friends at the Center that I never would have met otherwise. Talia, Ellie, Angelica, Angela, Eva, Tanya, Oscar, Peter, and so many more. <3

Thank you Deborah. We will remember you fondly and vow to carry on your important work.

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