Monday, January 23, 2006

Melanie and Shane 9.10.2005

Melanie and Shane....These two experienced the wildest weather I've ever seen on a wedding day.
We had sunshine, we had rain, we had wind, and we had thunder and lightning. The outdoor ceremony was chilly and grey, but rain-free until everyone walked to the water's edge to throw in their stones. In nearly perfect timing, the skies broke open as everyone was headed to the beach house. A few of us slow-pokes got rained on, but most everyone made it inside before the downpour.

Needless to say, the outdoor reception became an indoor one, as the groomsmen and several wedding guests braved the weather to bring in the decorations, tables and chairs.

Stoically deciding to have a fun time anyway, Melanie and Shane enjoyed their family and friends, all in a tightly packed livingroom. It was definitely a challenge to photograph everyone when it was nearly impossible to move around, but we made it happen.

As we sat down to dinner, some rays of sunlight began to appear in the clouds, and then the rain suddenly stopped, and a rainbow appeared.
Melanie & Shane, their families, the wedding party and I all rushed outside on the beach to take advantage of the last 10 minutes of daylight. We did a bunch of portraits there, capturing this spectacular shot of Melanie and Shane kissing with lightning in the background.

I've never seen such gorgeous light anywhere, and my heart was pounding as we photographed these images. I knew they'd be amazing.

Melanie and Shane, thanks for being good sports, and not being afraid to get your feet wet out on the beach. I love this image!!!!!!!
I was honored to be there with you, photographing your special day. Thank you for allowing me to document your wedding.


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